WALL_alternative | Art_Music_Culture & Bar

2024 FAYM

2024/10/07 Mon - 2024/10/19 Sat

10月11日(金)から14日(月・祝)に渡って東京・天王洲運河一帯にて開催されるMEET YOUR ART FESTIVAL 2024のサテライト企画として、アーティストや研究者による特殊なリサーチの手法によって西麻布を“裏返す”ことを試みる展覧会「2024 FAYM」を開催いたします。




東谷俊哉/原田和馬/平尾修悟/岡原正幸/宮森みどり/ 落合陽一/菅野裕介 and more…!

「2024 FAYM」
会期:2024年10月7日(月) – 10月19日(土)※日曜定休
会場:WALL_alternative(東京都港区西麻布4-2-4 1F)
HP URL:https://avex.jp/wall/exhibition/248/


デザインアクティビスト。主なプロジェクトに文字を読み上げるメガネ〈OTON GLASS〉、当事者兼つくり手による小さな生態系〈FabBiotope〉、多様な当事者兼つくり手の生きるための技法をワークショップ、公開インタビュー、上映会などを通じて社会にひらく展覧会「“現実”の自給自足展」がある。



空間デザイナー。主にミュージアム空間の計画・設計に携わりながら、アーティストの展覧会の会場構成、什器制作、インストールなどを行う。自主的なリサーチ活動として、日々の散歩を通して生まれた方法論をもとにしたZINEの制作や、採集したイメージの家具什器の制作への応用など、路上空間と日常実践の詩的な接続について模索している。ZINEやアートブックなどを販売するインスタントな本屋プロジェクトとして「勝手に書店(katteni books)」を展開。







Artist/Performer Line-Up:

Toshiya Higashitani / Kazuma Harada / Shugo Hirao / Masayuki Okahara / Midori Miyamori / Yoichi Ochiai / Yusuke Kanno…and more!


①Keisuke Shimakage

Design activist. Major projects include “OTON GLASS,” a pair of glasses that read out letters, “FabBiotope,” a small ecological system created by the project participants and creators, and “Self-Sufficiency in Reality,” an exhibition that offers practical techniques geared toward all kinds of people and creators that opens them up to society through workshops, open interviews, screenings, and other events.


②Sora Kobayashi

Sora Kobayashi is a spatial designer primarily involved in the planning and design of museum spaces, but also designs venues for artists’ exhibitions, produces fixtures, and handles installment. As part of his independent research activities, he explores the poetic connection between the spaces of streets and everyday practice, such as producing zines based on methodologies born from his daily walks and applying collected images to the production of furniture and fixtures. He has developed “Katteni Books,” an instant bookstore project that sells zines and art books.


③Kenji Miyanaga

Kenji Miyanaga is a video artist primarily involved in the production of educational content, but is also active as an artist, working on the theme of “fiction as document.” Through recording and reconstructing exhibitions and events, he explores alternative forms of archives.


④Hiroki Sekiguchi

Hiroki Sekiguchi is a poet and zine writer who writes and recites colloquial poetry based on images of his own life and landscapes. He also works on combining real-life records with creative expression, such as the zine series “Stop Watching Videos,” which he created after deciding to stop watching videos.